Whether it’s texting or playing sport, the joints in your wrists affect all the movement in your hands. For this reason, your wrists are constantly under stress, leaving them vulnerable to a variety of injuries and pains.
Sudden impacts.
Wrist injuries often occur when you fall forward onto your outstretched hand. This can cause sprains, strains and even fractures. A scaphoid fracture involves a bone on the thumb side of the wrist. This type of fracture may not show up on X-rays immediately after the injury.
Repetitive Stress.
Any activity that involves repetitive wrist motion — from hitting a tennis ball or typing to driving can irritate the tissues around joints,ligaments and tendons or, especially when you perform the movement for hours on end without a break.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel tunnel syndrome is common in people who suffer from diabetes, arthritis and obesity. It has also been linked to those whose work involves a lot of typing or lifting. The syndrome develops when a ligament in the wrist thickens, placing extra pressure on a nearby nerve. This pressure squeezes the nerve causing pain, numbness and weakness in the hand.
Osteoarthritis of the wrist becomes more common as you get older, but you’re particularly susceptible if it runs in the family. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that covers your bones wears away, causing inflammation of the joints. A wide range of joints can be affected by this condition.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis primarily affects the hands and feet; however, other joints can also be affected. It is a chronic and progressive autoimmune disease, which causes the body’s immune system to break down healthy tissues. This results in swelling and severe joint pain. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may have stiff joints, and often feel lethargic and generally unwell.